1944 - Propaganda poster as part of an anti-West campaign

In line with usual Fascist practice, the new government insisted that all media outlets and literature were at its service, and soon took a full control over publishing, media and theatres. The official Government publication was Narodne novine (People's Gazette). Among daily newspapers, the most important was Hrvatski narod (Croatian People), issued in Zagreb, Hrvatski list (Croatian Newspaper) issued in Osijek, and Novi list (New Newspaper) issued in Sarajevo.

The most important weekly was called Spremnost (Readiness); it covered political and cultural topics. Another publications were Hrvatska domovina (Croatian Homeland) and an entertainment magazine called Zabavnik (modelled after the pre-war magazine Politikin Zabavnik).

The state news agency was called Hrvatski dojavni ured Croatia (Croatian Information Office). It took over the role of the pre-war Yugoslav Avala News Agency. The former Radio Zagreb was transformed into the Main State Radio Station - Hrvatski krugoval (Croatian Radio), with the head office in Zagreb and branch offices in Banja Luka, Sarajevo, Osijek and Dubrovnik. A total of 330 journalists were registered in NDH.

According to incomplete data, during the existence of NDH about 2,000 books were published until 1944. The most important project was Hrvatska enciklopedija (Croatian Encyclopaedia), edited by Mate Ujević and published in five volumes, of which four were published during NDH.